Saturday, July 30, 2011


1975,July 27 Prabha started his hunt.Target was Duraiappa ,Mayor of Yaalpanam.Its not ended yet.On his 16 ,he started his journey.Now he is 54 ,till now his wheel's moving sucessfully.Early while started his troophs lot of volunteers joined themselves in his trooph.He is a good Leader , Teacher , Orator." In Srilanka A9 highway is dividing Tigers region & Militery Region.Actually Sinhalese creating a fake mob about LTTE.Actually they are running an Government for Tamilians.They have Banks ,EB ,Government Bus,Telephone Department,Police , Miltery(LTTE),TAX.Hospital,Courts,Lawyers,Radio & Television,Police Station.East Tamil areas control under LTTE,Here they have college , Schools , Engg COllege , Law College(Not like Chennai Ambedkar Law college),University,Medical College,Militery College." What Else do you want to live"No Dowries ,If any guys quoted for Dowries immediate action will be taken care gainst him.Tamilians in these regions do intercaste marriage.The only caste is Tamil.No Corruption.They breath tamil , live in Tamil.Even in Engg college , Medical college they teach in tamil & English.We can see Mahatma dream becomes true in Eelam already.Women with full of Jewels can go anywhere.The Above Mentioned is heading by a Single Man : Prabhakaran PillaiAbout his Family :Wife Madhivadhini ,Earlier she were in foreign .Now she staying with her.3 childrensElder son Charles Antony ,22 working in LTTE2nd daughter Duvaraga staying in LondonYounger son working in LTTENov 26 th is Prabhakaran's birthday.

வீர தமிழன் அண்ணன் பிரபாகரன் வாழ்க பல்லாண்டு !

வீர பாண்டிய கட்டபொம்மன் வரலாறு

'Veerapandiyan' means 'brave one in thepandiyan line') also known as Kattabomman or Katta Bommu hails from Panchalankurichi, a historically important place, in the present dayThoothukudi, a district in Tamil Nadu, India.Background

'Veerapandiyan' means 'brave one in thepandiyan line') also known as Kattabomman or Katta Bommu hails from Panchalankurichi, a historically important place, in the present dayThoothukudi, a district in Tamil Nadu, India.
In Telugu they called as Kettibommu Naicker from Kambalam inter caste of Nayakkars Veerapandiya Kattabomman was born in an Nayakkar family to Aadi Kattabommu and Aarumugathammal on January 3, 1760 and became the 47th king of Panchalankurichi at an age of 30., a desendent in the Pandya line. Jagaveera pandiyan was issueless and declared Kattabomman as his Veerapandiya Kattabomman's father Aadi Kattabomman was a minister in the court of Jagaveera Pandiyan successor. Since Kattabomman was the first of the new clan, he came to be known as Adi Kattabomman (aadi means first or beginning in Sanskrit and Tamil). History is that Aadi Kattabomman, before becoming a minister at Jagaveera Pandiyan's court, migrated from the present day Andhra Pradesh to Panchalankurichi. His actual name was Bommulu or Bommu. Bommu's physical strength and appearance earned him the name Getti Bommu (strong Bommu) which later, influenced by the local language Tamil, became Katta Bommu (Kattabomman).Revolt against British rule
Veerapandiya Kattabomman is among the kings in southern India who resisted the British East India Company. He initially evaded tax that the British demanded and ignored repeated summons to meet collector Jackson. Later his meeting with Jackson ended in a physical combat in which Deputy Commandant of the Company's forces, Clarke, was slain. He later revolted against the British by refusing to pay taxes when a new collector was assigned to retrieve due taxes. This resulted in the British East India Company, under the leadership of Major Bannerman, dispatchng the army to capture Kattabomman. The Company's army circled Kattabomman's fort at Salikulam, a few miles from Panchalanckurichi, intending to arrest him there. This later turned out to be lossful battle for the British with them losing a great fraction of the assigned troops including Lieutenant Collins. Immediately after the retreat of the British forces, Kattabomman vacated his fort suspecting impending cannon attacks from the British which his fort may not have withstood. The East India Company put a price on his head. He was later betrayed by the Raja of Pudukottai which resulted in his arrest and subsequent execution. He was hung from a tamarind tree in 1799 at kayathar. After that his fort was completely demolished by the British and his wealth was looted.National Hero
The government of Tamil Nadu honored the hero by raising a monumental fort at Panchalankurichi in his memory. His name is remembered among the people as a brave tamil hero who stood against the British long before the first war of Indian independence that would be instigated by Mangal Pandey on 1857.

Veerapandiya Kattabomman 1760 - 1799
"..Collector Jackson singled out Kattabomman Nayak of Panchalamkurichi as the main leader of the rebellion. That came to be known as the First Poligari War was declared on 5 September 1799. Although Kattabomman managed to escape from the field of battle, he was captured a month later in Pudukottai. After a summary trial, he was sentenced to death by Major Bannerman, Commander of the East India Company troops. He was publicly hanged near Kayattar Fort, close to the town of Tirunelveli, in front of fellow poligars who had been summoned to witness the execution..."
Courtesy The Sanmar Group -
"The struggle for freedom from the British, saw the emergence of many patriots who fought, made sacrifices and even lost their lives defending the country. Exhibiting great courage, Tamils were among those who sowed the seeds for the freedom movement. One such pioneer was Veerapandiya Kattabomman.
Eighteen kilometres north west of Tirunelveli lies the hamlet of Panchalankurichi, a place of historical significance. The chieftains ruling Panchalankurichi put up stiff resistance against the British East India Company, between 1798 and 1801.
Veerapandiya Kattabomman was a fearless chieftain who refused to bow down to the demands of the British for agricultural tax on native land, a brave warrior who laid down his life for his motherland. The fight he launched in Panchalankurichi has been hailed as the inspiration behind the first battle of independence of 1857, which the British called the Sepoy Mutiny.
Azhagiya Veerapandiapuram (Ottapidaram of today) was ruled by Jagaveera Pandiyan. He had a minister Bommu who had migrated from Andhra Pradesh to Tamil Nadu who was a brave warrior. He was known as Gettibommu in Telugu to describe his strength and fighting qualities. This, over a period of time, became Kattabomman in Tamil. Kattabomman ascended the throne after Jagaveera Pandiyan, who had no issue, and later came to be known as Adi Kattabomman, the first of the clan of Kattabomman.
Legend has it that during a hunting trip into the forests of Salikulam (close to Azhagiya Pandiyapuram) Kattabomman watched the spectacle of a hare chasing seven hounds. Kattabomman was amazed at this miracle. Believing that the land possessed great powers that could instil courage in people, he built his fort there and named it Panchalankurichi.
Born in this clan of Adi Kattabomman was Veerapandiyan on January 3, 1760 – the 47th king of Panchalankurichi – to Jagaveera Kattabomman and Arumugathammal. He had two younger brothers Dalavai Kumarasami and Duraisingam. Veerapandiyan was fondly called ‘Karuthaiah’ (the black prince), and Dalavai Kumarasami, ‘Sivathaiah’ (the white prince). Duraisingam, a good orator, earned the sobriquet ‘Oomaidurai’, which actually meant the very opposite – the dumb prince.
On February 2, 1790, Veerapandiyan, thirty, became the king of Panchalankurichi. The Nawab of Arcot who had borrowed huge sums of money from the East India Company gave them the right to collect taxes and levies from the southern region in lieu of the money he had borrowed. The East India Company took advantage of the situation and plundered all the wealth of the people in the name of tax collection. All the ‘poligars’ paid taxes except Veerapandiyan.
Kattabomman refused to pay his dues and for a long time refused to meet Jackson the Collector of the East India Company. Finally, he met Jackson at ‘Ramalinga Vilasam’, the palace of Sethupathi of Ramanathapuram. The meeting ended in a skirmish in which the Deputy Commandant of the Company’s forces, Clarke was slain. Kattabomman and his men fought their way to freedom and safety, but Thanapathi Pillai, Kattabomman’s secretary was taken prisoner.
The Commission of Enquiry that went into the incident fixed the blame on Jackson and relieved him of his post, thinking the Company’s plan to take over the entire country gradually could be marred by Jackson’s fight with Veerapandiya Kattabomman. The new Collector of Tirunelveli wrote to Kattabomman calling him for a meeting on 16th March, 1799. Kattabomman wrote back citing the extreme drought conditions for the delay in the payment of dues and also demanded that all that was robbed off him at Ramanathapuram be restored to him. The Collector wanted the ruling house of Sethupathis to prevent Kattabomman from aligning himself with the enemies of the Company and decided to attack Kattabomman.
Kattabomman refused to meet the Collector and a fight broke out. Under Major Bannerman, the army stood at all the four entrances of Panchalankurichi’s fort. At the southern end, Lieutenant Collins was on the attack. When the fort’s southern doors opened, he was killed by Kattabomman’s warriors.
After suffering heavy losses, the English decided to wait for reinforcements from Palayamkottai. Sensing that his fort could not survive a barrage from heavy cannons, Kattabomman left the fort that night.
A price was set on Kattabomman’s head. Thanapathi Pillai and 16 others were taken prisoners. Thanapathi Pillai was executed and his head perched on a bamboo pole was displayed at Panchalankurichi. Veerapandiya Kattabomman stayed at Kolarpatti at Rajagopala Naicker’s house where the forces surrounded the house.
Kattabomman and his aides fled from there and took refuge in the Thirukalambur forests close to Pudukkottai. Bannerman ordered the ruler of Pudukkottai to arrest Kattabomman. Accordingly, Kattabomman was captured and on October 16, 1799 the case was taken up (nearly three weeks after his arrest near Pudukkottai). After a summary trial, Kattabomman was hanged unceremoniously on a tamarind tree. The fort of Panchalankurichi was razed to the ground and all of Kattabomman’s wealth was looted by the English soldiers.
A fort constructed by the Tamil Nadu Government at Panchalankurichi in 1972 stands as a monument to this great hero from the south who played a pivotal role in the freedom movement of our country. "
Veerapandiya Kattabomman & the Poligar rebellion - N.Rajendran inNational Movement in Tamil Nadu, 1905-1914, Agitational Politics and State Coercion
In Tamil Nadu, as in other parts of India, the earliest expressions of opposition to British rule took the form of localised rebellions and uprisings. Chief among these was the revolt of the palayakkarargal (poligars) against the East India Company in 1799.
The poligari system had evolved with the extension of Vijayanagar rule into Tamil Nadu. Each poligar was the holder of a territory or palayam (usually consisting of a few villages), granted to him in return for military service and tribute.
Where circumstances allowed, the poligars naturally tended to place less emphasis on performing their duties and more on enhancing their own powers. Given their numerical strength, extensive resources, local influence and independent attitude, the poligars came to constitute a powerful force in the political system of south India. They regarded themselves as independent, sovereign authorities within their respective palayams, arguing that their lands had been handed down to them across a span of sixty generations Such claims of course were to be brushed aside by the East India Company...
The East India Company, eager for revenue, opposed the manner and scale in which the poligars collected taxes from the people. The issue of taxation—more specifically, who was to collect it, the traditional rulers or the rapacious new collectors from overseas —lay at the root of the subsequent uprising. As one British Collector noted:
I again repeated that. . . unless the poligar were deprived of his power, and my recommendations went to the fullest extent of the measure, the Company's investment would be materially checked, the weavers residing in the Panchalamkurichi palayam would be stripped off their property, and the largest part of the advances made to them by the commercial resident exposed to considerable danger.
...The early struggle between the poligars of south and East India Company, although essentially a battle over tax collection, had a strong political dimension. The English treated the poligars, perceived as a rival power, as their inveterate enemies, allowing their hostility full expression in their accounts...
When in 1799 the poligars of Tirunelveli District rose in open rebellion, the East India Company took all possible measures to check the spread of the uprising. A detachment of Company troops was speedily deployed against the Tirunelveli poligars, while dire warnings were issued to poligars in other parts of the south not to join the rebellion. The Company, which regarded the poligars as the 'scourge of the country', determined to deprive the ringleaders of their palayats and punish them in an exemplary fashion.
Collector Jackson singled out Kattabomma Nayak of Panchalamkurichi as the main leader of the rebellion. That came to be known as the First Poligari War was declared on 5 September 1799. Although Kattabomman managed to escape from the field of battle, he was captured a month later in Pudukottai. After a summary trial, he was sentenced to death by Major Bannerman, Commander of the East India Company troops. He was publicly hanged near Kayattar Fort, close to the town of Tirunelveli, in front of fellow poligars who had been summoned to witness the execution.
Subramania Pillai, a close associate of Kattabomma Nayak, was also publicly hanged and his head was fixed on a pike at Panchalamkurichi. Soundra Pandian Nayak, another rebel leader, was brutally done to death by having his brains dashed against a village wall.Despite the exemplary repression of 1799, however, rebellion broke out again in 1800, this time in a more cohesive and united manner. Although the 1800-1801 rebellion was to be categorised in British records as the Second Poligari War, it assumed a much broader character than its predecessor. It was directed by a confederacy consisting of Marudu Pandian of Sivaganga, Gopala Nayak of Dindugal, Kerala Verma of Malabar and Krishnappa Nayak and Dhoondaji of Mysore. The insurrection, which broke out in Coimbatore in June 1800, soon spread to Ramanathapuram and Madurai. By May 1801, it had reached the northern provinces, where Marudu Pandian, Melappan and Puttur provided the leadership. Oomathurai, the brother of Kattabomma Nayak, emerged as a key leader. In February 1801, Oomathurai and two hundred men by a clever stratagem took control of Panchalamkuriclli Fort, in which Oomathurai's relatives were imprisoned.
Its fort now re-occupied and reconstructed by rebel forces Panchalamkurichi became the nerve centre of the uprising. British dismay was boundless. As one eyewitness put it,
' . . . to our utter astonishment, we discovered that the walls, which had been entirely levelled, were now rebuilt, and fully manned by about fifteen hundred poligars.'
Three thousand armed men of Madurai and Ramanathapuram, despatched by Marudu Pandian, joined up with the Panchalamkurichi forces. However, British military superiority having just destroyed the far more formidable challenge posed by Tipu Sultan in Mysore, quickly asserted itself. The poligar forces based at Panchalamkurichi were crushed and, by the orders of the colonial government, the site of the captured fort was ploughed up and sowed with castor oil and salt so that it should never again be inhabited.
The colonial forces quickly overpowered the remaining insurgents. The Marudu brothers and their sons were

In Telugu they called as Kettibommu Naicker from Kambalam inter caste of Nayakkars Veerapandiya Kattabomman was born in an Nayakkar family to Aadi Kattabommu and Aarumugathammal on January 3, 1760 and became the 47th king of Panchalankurichi at an age of 30., a desendent in the Pandya line. Jagaveera pandiyan was issueless and declared Kattabomman as his Veerapandiya Kattabomman's father Aadi Kattabomman was a minister in the court of Jagaveera Pandiyan successor. Since Kattabomman was the first of the new clan, he came to be known as Adi Kattabomman (aadi means first or beginning in Sanskrit and Tamil). History is that Aadi Kattabomman, before becoming a minister at Jagaveera Pandiyan's court, migrated from the present day Andhra Pradesh to Panchalankurichi. His actual name was Bommulu or Bommu. Bommu's physical strength and appearance earned him the name Getti Bommu (strong Bommu) which later, influenced by the local language Tamil, became Katta Bommu (Kattabomman).Revolt against British rule
Veerapandiya Kattabomman is among the kings in southern India who resisted the British East India Company. He initially evaded tax that the British demanded and ignored repeated summons to meet collector Jackson. Later his meeting with Jackson ended in a physical combat in which Deputy Commandant of the Company's forces, Clarke, was slain. He later revolted against the British by refusing to pay taxes when a new collector was assigned to retrieve due taxes. This resulted in the British East India Company, under the leadership of Major Bannerman, dispatchng the army to capture Kattabomman. The Company's army circled Kattabomman's fort at Salikulam, a few miles from Panchalanckurichi, intending to arrest him there. This later turned out to be lossful battle for the British with them losing a great fraction of the assigned troops including Lieutenant Collins. Immediately after the retreat of the British forces, Kattabomman vacated his fort suspecting impending cannon attacks from the British which his fort may not have withstood. The East India Company put a price on his head. He was later betrayed by the Raja of Pudukottai which resulted in his arrest and subsequent execution. He was hung from a tamarind tree in 1799 at kayathar. After that his fort was completely demolished by the British and his wealth was looted.National Hero
The government of Tamil Nadu honored the hero by raising a monumental fort at Panchalankurichi in his memory. His name is remembered among the people as a brave tamil hero who stood against the British long before the first war of Indian independence that would be instigated by Mangal Pandey on 1857.

Veerapandiya Kattabomman 1760 - 1799
"..Collector Jackson singled out Kattabomman Nayak of Panchalamkurichi as the main leader of the rebellion. That came to be known as the First Poligari War was declared on 5 September 1799. Although Kattabomman managed to escape from the field of battle, he was captured a month later in Pudukottai. After a summary trial, he was sentenced to death by Major Bannerman, Commander of the East India Company troops. He was publicly hanged near Kayattar Fort, close to the town of Tirunelveli, in front of fellow poligars who had been summoned to witness the execution..."
Courtesy The Sanmar Group -
"The struggle for freedom from the British, saw the emergence of many patriots who fought, made sacrifices and even lost their lives defending the country. Exhibiting great courage, Tamils were among those who sowed the seeds for the freedom movement. One such pioneer was Veerapandiya Kattabomman.
Eighteen kilometres north west of Tirunelveli lies the hamlet of Panchalankurichi, a place of historical significance. The chieftains ruling Panchalankurichi put up stiff resistance against the British East India Company, between 1798 and 1801.
Veerapandiya Kattabomman was a fearless chieftain who refused to bow down to the demands of the British for agricultural tax on native land, a brave warrior who laid down his life for his motherland. The fight he launched in Panchalankurichi has been hailed as the inspiration behind the first battle of independence of 1857, which the British called the Sepoy Mutiny.
Azhagiya Veerapandiapuram (Ottapidaram of today) was ruled by Jagaveera Pandiyan. He had a minister Bommu who had migrated from Andhra Pradesh to Tamil Nadu who was a brave warrior. He was known as Gettibommu in Telugu to describe his strength and fighting qualities. This, over a period of time, became Kattabomman in Tamil. Kattabomman ascended the throne after Jagaveera Pandiyan, who had no issue, and later came to be known as Adi Kattabomman, the first of the clan of Kattabomman.
Legend has it that during a hunting trip into the forests of Salikulam (close to Azhagiya Pandiyapuram) Kattabomman watched the spectacle of a hare chasing seven hounds. Kattabomman was amazed at this miracle. Believing that the land possessed great powers that could instil courage in people, he built his fort there and named it Panchalankurichi.
Born in this clan of Adi Kattabomman was Veerapandiyan on January 3, 1760 – the 47th king of Panchalankurichi – to Jagaveera Kattabomman and Arumugathammal. He had two younger brothers Dalavai Kumarasami and Duraisingam. Veerapandiyan was fondly called ‘Karuthaiah’ (the black prince), and Dalavai Kumarasami, ‘Sivathaiah’ (the white prince). Duraisingam, a good orator, earned the sobriquet ‘Oomaidurai’, which actually meant the very opposite – the dumb prince.
On February 2, 1790, Veerapandiyan, thirty, became the king of Panchalankurichi. The Nawab of Arcot who had borrowed huge sums of money from the East India Company gave them the right to collect taxes and levies from the southern region in lieu of the money he had borrowed. The East India Company took advantage of the situation and plundered all the wealth of the people in the name of tax collection. All the ‘poligars’ paid taxes except Veerapandiyan.
Kattabomman refused to pay his dues and for a long time refused to meet Jackson the Collector of the East India Company. Finally, he met Jackson at ‘Ramalinga Vilasam’, the palace of Sethupathi of Ramanathapuram. The meeting ended in a skirmish in which the Deputy Commandant of the Company’s forces, Clarke was slain. Kattabomman and his men fought their way to freedom and safety, but Thanapathi Pillai, Kattabomman’s secretary was taken prisoner.
The Commission of Enquiry that went into the incident fixed the blame on Jackson and relieved him of his post, thinking the Company’s plan to take over the entire country gradually could be marred by Jackson’s fight with Veerapandiya Kattabomman. The new Collector of Tirunelveli wrote to Kattabomman calling him for a meeting on 16th March, 1799. Kattabomman wrote back citing the extreme drought conditions for the delay in the payment of dues and also demanded that all that was robbed off him at Ramanathapuram be restored to him. The Collector wanted the ruling house of Sethupathis to prevent Kattabomman from aligning himself with the enemies of the Company and decided to attack Kattabomman.
Kattabomman refused to meet the Collector and a fight broke out. Under Major Bannerman, the army stood at all the four entrances of Panchalankurichi’s fort. At the southern end, Lieutenant Collins was on the attack. When the fort’s southern doors opened, he was killed by Kattabomman’s warriors.
After suffering heavy losses, the English decided to wait for reinforcements from Palayamkottai. Sensing that his fort could not survive a barrage from heavy cannons, Kattabomman left the fort that night.
A price was set on Kattabomman’s head. Thanapathi Pillai and 16 others were taken prisoners. Thanapathi Pillai was executed and his head perched on a bamboo pole was displayed at Panchalankurichi. Veerapandiya Kattabomman stayed at Kolarpatti at Rajagopala Naicker’s house where the forces surrounded the house.
Kattabomman and his aides fled from there and took refuge in the Thirukalambur forests close to Pudukkottai. Bannerman ordered the ruler of Pudukkottai to arrest Kattabomman. Accordingly, Kattabomman was captured and on October 16, 1799 the case was taken up (nearly three weeks after his arrest near Pudukkottai). After a summary trial, Kattabomman was hanged unceremoniously on a tamarind tree. The fort of Panchalankurichi was razed to the ground and all of Kattabomman’s wealth was looted by the English soldiers.
A fort constructed by the Tamil Nadu Government at Panchalankurichi in 1972 stands as a monument to this great hero from the south who played a pivotal role in the freedom movement of our country. "
Veerapandiya Kattabomman & the Poligar rebellion - N.Rajendran inNational Movement in Tamil Nadu, 1905-1914, Agitational Politics and State Coercion
In Tamil Nadu, as in other parts of India, the earliest expressions of opposition to British rule took the form of localised rebellions and uprisings. Chief among these was the revolt of the palayakkarargal (poligars) against the East India Company in 1799.
The poligari system had evolved with the extension of Vijayanagar rule into Tamil Nadu. Each poligar was the holder of a territory or palayam (usually consisting of a few villages), granted to him in return for military service and tribute.
Where circumstances allowed, the poligars naturally tended to place less emphasis on performing their duties and more on enhancing their own powers. Given their numerical strength, extensive resources, local influence and independent attitude, the poligars came to constitute a powerful force in the political system of south India. They regarded themselves as independent, sovereign authorities within their respective palayams, arguing that their lands had been handed down to them across a span of sixty generations Such claims of course were to be brushed aside by the East India Company...
The East India Company, eager for revenue, opposed the manner and scale in which the poligars collected taxes from the people. The issue of taxation—more specifically, who was to collect it, the traditional rulers or the rapacious new collectors from overseas —lay at the root of the subsequent uprising. As one British Collector noted:
I again repeated that. . . unless the poligar were deprived of his power, and my recommendations went to the fullest extent of the measure, the Company's investment would be materially checked, the weavers residing in the Panchalamkurichi palayam would be stripped off their property, and the largest part of the advances made to them by the commercial resident exposed to considerable danger.
...The early struggle between the poligars of south and East India Company, although essentially a battle over tax collection, had a strong political dimension. The English treated the poligars, perceived as a rival power, as their inveterate enemies, allowing their hostility full expression in their accounts...
When in 1799 the poligars of Tirunelveli District rose in open rebellion, the East India Company took all possible measures to check the spread of the uprising. A detachment of Company troops was speedily deployed against the Tirunelveli poligars, while dire warnings were issued to poligars in other parts of the south not to join the rebellion. The Company, which regarded the poligars as the 'scourge of the country', determined to deprive the ringleaders of their palayats and punish them in an exemplary fashion.
Collector Jackson singled out Kattabomma Nayak of Panchalamkurichi as the main leader of the rebellion. That came to be known as the First Poligari War was declared on 5 September 1799. Although Kattabomman managed to escape from the field of battle, he was captured a month later in Pudukottai. After a summary trial, he was sentenced to death by Major Bannerman, Commander of the East India Company troops. He was publicly hanged near Kayattar Fort, close to the town of Tirunelveli, in front of fellow poligars who had been summoned to witness the execution.
Subramania Pillai, a close associate of Kattabomma Nayak, was also publicly hanged and his head was fixed on a pike at Panchalamkurichi. Soundra Pandian Nayak, another rebel leader, was brutally done to death by having his brains dashed against a village wall.Despite the exemplary repression of 1799, however, rebellion broke out again in 1800, this time in a more cohesive and united manner. Although the 1800-1801 rebellion was to be categorised in British records as the Second Poligari War, it assumed a much broader character than its predecessor. It was directed by a confederacy consisting of Marudu Pandian of Sivaganga, Gopala Nayak of Dindugal, Kerala Verma of Malabar and Krishnappa Nayak and Dhoondaji of Mysore. The insurrection, which broke out in Coimbatore in June 1800, soon spread to Ramanathapuram and Madurai. By May 1801, it had reached the northern provinces, where Marudu Pandian, Melappan and Puttur provided the leadership. Oomathurai, the brother of Kattabomma Nayak, emerged as a key leader. In February 1801, Oomathurai and two hundred men by a clever stratagem took control of Panchalamkuriclli Fort, in which Oomathurai's relatives were imprisoned.
Its fort now re-occupied and reconstructed by rebel forces Panchalamkurichi became the nerve centre of the uprising. British dismay was boundless. As one eyewitness put it,
' . . . to our utter astonishment, we discovered that the walls, which had been entirely levelled, were now rebuilt, and fully manned by about fifteen hundred poligars.'
Three thousand armed men of Madurai and Ramanathapuram, despatched by Marudu Pandian, joined up with the Panchalamkurichi forces. However, British military superiority having just destroyed the far more formidable challenge posed by Tipu Sultan in Mysore, quickly asserted itself. The poligar forces based at Panchalamkurichi were crushed and, by the orders of the colonial government, the site of the captured fort was ploughed up and sowed with castor oil and salt so that it should never again be inhabited.
The colonial forces quickly overpowered the remaining insurgents. The Marudu brothers and their sons were put to death, while Oomathurai and Sevatiah were beheaded at Panchalamkurichi on 16 November, 1801. Seventy-three of the principal rebels were sentenced to perpetual banishment. So savage and extensive was the death and destruction wrought by the English that the entire region was left in a state of terror.
The suppression of the poligar rebellions of 1799 and 1800-1801 resulted in the liquidation of the influence of the chieftains. Under the terms of the Carnatic Treaty (31 July, 1801), the British assumed direct control over Tamil Nadu. The poligari system, which had flourished for two and a half centuries, came to a violent end and the Company introduced a zamindari settlement in its place.While it is obviously premature and misleading to attach the term 'nationalist' to the struggle of the poligars, or to portray it as some kind of mass movement, the uprising does appear to have attracted some popular support. In subsequent years, a good deal of legend and folklore would develop around Kattabomman and the Marudu brothers. Long after Kattabomman's execution, Kayattar, his place of death, remained a place of political pilgrimage. In his Tinnevelly Gazetteer of 1917, H. R. Pate notes the presence in Kayattar of 'a great pile of stones of all sizes, which represents the accumulated offerings by wayfarers of the past hundred years'. Folk songs recalling the heroism of the poligar leaders remain alive in Tamil Nadu to this day..."put to death, while Oomathurai and Sevatiah were beheaded at Panchalamkurichi on 16 November, 1801. Seventy-three of the principal rebels were sentenced to perpetual banishment. So savage and extensive was the death and destruction wrought by the English that the entire region was left in a state of terror.
The suppression of the poligar rebellions of 1799 and 1800-1801 resulted in the liquidation of the influence of the chieftains. Under the terms of the Carnatic Treaty (31 July, 1801), the British assumed direct control over Tamil Nadu. The poligari system, which had flourished for two and a half centuries, came to a violent end and the Company introduced a zamindari settlement in its place.
While it is obviously premature and misleading to attach the term 'nationalist' to the struggle of the poligars, or to portray it as some kind of mass movement, the uprising does appear to have attracted some popular support. In subsequent years, a good deal of legend and folklore would develop around Kattabomman and the Marudu brothers. Long after Kattabomman's execution, Kayattar, his place of death, remained a place of political pilgrimage. In his Tinnevelly Gazetteer of 1917, H. R. Pate notes the presence in Kayattar of 'a great pile of stones of all sizes, which represents the accumulated offerings by wayfarers of the past hundred years'. Folk songs recalling the heroism of the poligar leaders remain alive in Tamil Nadu to this day..."

Southern Tamilnadu History(தென் தமிழக வரலாறு)

Mukkulathor or Mukulathaar (Tamil: முக்குலத்தோர்) is used to refer to the trinity of ancient royal lineages. It can be roughly translated as "people of the three clans", a reference to the three aristocratic clans (Kallar, Maravar and Agamudayar) which have supplied the Tamil country with most of its royal dynasties and warriors. Mukkalathors are reverently addressed to as "Thevars," meaning "Great Lord" by other Tamils.

The KallarMaravar and Agamudaiyar communities constitute theKshatriya or warrior class of TamilNadu, South India. They are all believed to have originated from an ancient people called kalabhrar.

Kallar (Tamil: கள்ளர்) is one of the three communities which constitute the Mukkalathor confederacy. European eyewitnesses of the 18th century have made mention of Kallars as "a fearless tribe show many signs of independence and non-submission to any form of subjugation". They were expert soldiers and constituted the bulk of Chola and Pandya armies. One of the principal weapons of the Kallars is the boomerang. This has evoked comparisons with the Australian aborigines and vouch for the theory that Kallars were one of the earliest people to inhabit the Indian subcontinent. The principal occupation of Kallars is farming. Kallars are found largely inMaduraiSivagangaiThanjavurTrichyTheni and Ramanathapuramdistricts of Tamil Nadu. One of their popular deities is Kallazhagar who is a warrior form of Lord Thirumala or Venkadavan. There are various sub-castes of Kallars amongst whom the Ambalakarar is the most important.They were a warklike people who strongly resisted every British attempt to subjugate them. They are found in Madurai and Sivaganga districts. In these districts, each village is headed by an Ambalakarar (president of an assembly) and the Ambalakarars took upon themselves the power to adjudicate disputes that arose among the inhabitants in the "nadu", belonging to different castes. They used to hear complaints, hold inquiries and punish the offenders. They wielded considerable powers to intervene in any kind of transaction or transfer of property among the people. No land could be alienated from one man to another without the permission of the Ambalakarars. Another important Kallar subcaste is the Piramalai Kallar. They are highly conservative and have preserved their customs and traditions to the present day. They are also believed to be the oldest inhabitants of the Tamil country with reports of their presence going back to Tamil literary works of the 4th century B.C. They are found mainly in the districts of Madurai and Theni. Their popular deity is Amman, the Mother Goddess. It is believed that the Maravar people, the Agamudayars, Thanjai Cholarkula Kalla Nattars, Pandiya Vellalars, Chola Vellalars, Chera Vellalar, Vellala Mudaliyars, Agamudaya Mudaliars,Conjeevaram Mudaliars and Udayars have all descended from Kallars. 
Maravar (Tamil: மறவர்), are one of the oldest social groups to be mentioned by the Sangam Tamil literature. This indicates an association with the Tamil land which is at least 2,000 years old. The writers of the Sangam Age place them in rural settlements withdrawn from cities. Maravar, in Tamil, means a warrior. Maravars are the courageous breed and were involved in the major wars that Tamilnadu witnessed. Other historians postulate that Maravar is derived from Tamil language term Marutham (called as Thinnai). They originally lived in (See Ancient Tamil country). The name of the city Madurai is also postulated to be derived from Maruthai and honorific title of local Pandya kings. 
Agamudayar (Tamil:அகமுடையார்) also known as Agam Padaiyar or defending soldiers (or in pure Tamil, Agam udayar means: Agam - prestige, Udayar - having) indicating a specialization as soldiers/ rulers. Agam can also be compared with heart, (as in "Agathin Azhagu Mugathil Theriyum"), and can be interpreted as, "people with a good heart". Although their name is attested later in literature, they and the culture is indigenous to the area and are ancient in origins. Thevars of ramanthapuram district are given the title Servai. Some believe these castes formed as part of military formation of Kallap-Padai or hustlers, Marap-Padai or soldiers and Agap-Padai or defenders, There is lot of evidence has been put forward towards this theory.One among this is chola king raja raja who has udayar surname married a vellala girl of kodumbalur velir there son was called as rajendra chola. 'கள்ளர் மறவர் கனத்ததோர் அகமுடையார் மெல்ல மெல்லவே வெள்ளாளரானார்' 
There are diverse theories with regard to the origin of Mukkulathors. DrSpencer Wells and Dr. Pitchappan have found an ancient DNA marker in the blood of Kallar that links them to the very first modern humans who migrated out of Africa about 60,000 years ago and travelling through the southern coastline of Asia had eventually reached Australia. Based on this theory, it is assumed that the Piramala Kallars are the oldest human inhabitants of the subcontinent. Yet, this is an isolated case found only among the individuals of the Kallar caste. 
The Nayak Period and the Polygars
The downfall of the Mukkulathors occurred in 1345 with the fall of Vira Pandyan IV and the subsequent conquest of Madurai by the Delhi Sultanate. However, the southern territories of the Sultanate soon asserted their independence and the Mukkulathors recovered under the Vijayanagar Empire and later under the Nayak dynasty during whose period they served as Polygars or chieftains. The Nayaks were actually governors appointed by Vijayanagar kings and were Naidus of Telugu origin. Later, after the fall of Vijayanagar, they established some measure of independence in the provinces which they governed and appointed individuals from the warrior Mukkulathor clans as their military chieftains and governors. After a century of peace and prosperity, the Nayak kingdom disintegrated and regional Polygar chieftains most of whom were from the Mukkulathor communities, making use of this opportunity, established their dominance and rule in the areas which they governed. However, just as their sun was in its ascendancy there arose a serious obstacle in the form of the British East India Company who desired to force the Polygars into submission and annex their territories to the Madras Presidency. 
Freedom Fighters and the Polygar Wars
There was a clash of interests between Mukkulathor Polygar chieftains seeking to recover their lands after 400 years of foreign rule and the British East India Company, an emerging power seeking to expand its influence and power into new territories and to arrest the growth of French influence in India ahead of the Seven Years War. The first direct challenge was thrown by Puli Thevan in 1755. This was precipitated by the support the British East India Company lent to Puli Thevar's enemy, the Nawab of Arcot. Puli Thevar is remembered as the first king to have fought and defeated the British in India. His exploits have since become legendary. Resistance to British rule was also offered by Padal Vellaiya Devan who fought the British along with Kattabomman. His son Desakaval Senbaga Devar is also remembered for his exploits. Queen Velu Nachiyar, Queen ofSivaganga, is another noted personality who fought with the British during early British Era. The Maruthu Pandiyar brothers are notable for their role in the Polygar Wars. They were eventually captured by the British and hanged in 1801. 
SurnamesThe surnames used by the Thevar people are Ambalakarar, Servai, Vandaiyar, Thalaivar, Nattaar (not Nadar), etc. Women use the title Nachiyaar and it is a general practice in Southern Tamil Nadhu to address a Thevar woman as "Nachchiyaar". The Kallars of Trichy, Thanjavur, Pudukottai and Ramnad Districts have very distinct surnames. Some of the most common names are Alathondamar, Aarsuthiyar,Kaadavaraayar, Kalingarayar, Vandaiyaar, Thanjaraayar, Chozhangaraayar, Kandiyar, Pursaar, Vaanavaraayar, Mazhavaraayar, Pallavaraayar,Ponnapoondar,Pullavaraayar, Servai, Karaimeendar,Vanavarayar,Vairayar,Ponpethiar,Gopalar, Thevar, Kandapillai, Vayaadiyar, Vanniar, Nattar, Alankara Priyar, Munaiyatriyar, Saaluvar, Manraayar,Kaadavaraayar, Madhavarayar, Onthiriyar, Serumadar, Vambaliar, Thenkondaar, Mankondaar, Kaaduvetiyaar, Sozhagar, Chozanga Nattar etc. There are over 700 surnames in use. There is a group of Agamudayars in Northern Tamil Nadhu (Thiruvannamalai, Vellor, Arani, Arcot).They migrated from Madurai in 17th century. They have other surnames like Udayar,Mudhaliyar, Arcot Mudhaliyar[1] and Thuluva Vellalar. Not That much Marriages happen between people with the same surname. 
They are traditionally Hindus although some have become Christians. Today they constitute a significant part of the Tamil community in India, Sri Lanka, and in other parts of the world.

மருது பாண்டியர்கள் வரலாறு (Maruthu Pandyar History)

The Maruthu Pandiyar brothers (Periya Maruthu & Chinna Maruthu) ruledSivagangaiTamil Nadu towards the end of the 18th century.They were the first to issue a proclamation of independence from the British rule from Trichy Thiruvarangam Temple, Tamil Nadu on June 10, 1801,56 years before the - Sepoy mutiny (also known as the first war of Independence) which broke out in many parts of north India in 1857

Marudu brothers were the sons of Udayar Servai alias Mookiah Palaniappan (Agamudayar) Servai and Anandayer alias Ponnathal. Maruthu Pandiyar, the Elder was born on 15.12.1748 in a small hamlet called Narikkudi near Aruppukkottai in the Ramnad principal state.In 1753 the younger Marudhu Pandiyar was born in Ramnad. Their father Udayar Servai served as a General in the Ramnad state military and he shifted his family to Ramnadu from Narikkudi.

Early life
The brothers were trained in martial arts at Surankottai which served as a training centre for the Ramnad army. Boomerang is a peculiar weapon to India. Two forms of this weapons are used in India. These are normally made of wood. They are known as Valari stick in tamil. It is said that Maruthu brothers were experts in the art of throwing the valari stick. It is said that Maruthus used Valari in the Poligar wars against the British.They contested in and won many competitions of martial arts and distingusihed themselves.The Raja of Ramnad Muthu Vijaya Raghunatha Sethupathyissued the title of ‘Pandiyas’ to honour the brothers

The Raja of Sivaganga principal state (near Ramnad), Muthu Vaduganadhar came to know of their brave deeds and requested the Ramnad king to assign them for serving the Sivaganga army.They were appointed as Generals of the Sivaganga military and the brothers left an indelible impression in the history of Tamil Nadu.
In the year 1772, the English military of the East India Company, under the command of Lt.Col. Bon Jour attacked the state at Kalayar Kovil. During the war, Raja Muthu Vaduganadhar lost his life in the battlefield. But the Maruthu brothers managed to escape along with Rani Velu Nachiar, wife of Raja Muthu Vadughanadhar and arrived at Dindigul which was ruled by Hyder Ali – the Sultan of Mysore as refugees. Hyder Ali supported them with all respects.
The Nawab of Arcot, the alliance partner of East India Company was not able to collect any taxes from the people of Sivaganga state for eight years,entered in to an agreement whereby the rule of Sivaganga was restored to Rani Velu Nachiar after he collected his dues from her. The Marudu brothers with 12,000 armed men surrounded Sivaganga and plundered the Arcot Nawab's territories. The Nawab on the 10th of March 1789 appealed to the Madras Council for aid. On 29 April 1789, the British forces attacked Kollangudi. It was defeated by a large body of Marudu's troops. Maruthu brothers are very famous for Tiger fight -- it is said that they could kill the tiger without any arms.[citation needed]

War against British
They were in close association with Veera Pandiya Kattabomman of Panchalankurichi. Kattabomman held frequent consultations with Marudhus. After the execution of Kattabomman in 17 October 1799 at Kayattar, Chinna Marudhu gave asylum to Kattabomman's brother Oomadurai (mute brother). But, the British took this reason to invade and attacked Sivaganga in 1801 with a powerful army. The Maruthu Pandiyars and their allies were quite successful and captured three districts from the British. British considered it as a serious threat to their future in India that they rushed additional troops from Britain to put down Maruthu Pandiyars' rebellion. These forces surrounded Maruthu Pandiyars' army at Kalayar Koil, and the latter scattered. The Maruthu Brothers and their top commanders escaped. They regrouped and fought the British and their allies at Viruppatchi, Dindigul and Cholapuram. While they won the battle at Viruppatchi, they lost the other two battles.

Marudu brothers were not only warriers and noted for bravery, but they were very great Administrators. Rani Velu Nachiar made a Will and paved way for Marudhu Pandiyar Elder to rule. Marudhu Pandiar younger was made as Dewan of the state. During the period from 1783 to 1801, they worked for the welfare of the people and the Sivaganga Seemai was reported as fertile. They constructed many notable temples like Kalayar KovilSivaganga many Ooranis and Tanks .

மதுரையில் மருதுபாண்டியர் சிலை

மதுரையில் மருதுபாண்டியர் சிலை

மதுரையில் நிறுவப்பட்டுள்ள மருது சகோதரர்களின் சிலை அடுத்த மாதம் முதல்வர் கருணாநிதியால் திறந்து வைக்கப்படவுள்ளது. திமுக முன்னாள் அமைச்சர் பொன்.முத்துராமலிங்கம் இதுகுறித்து மதுரையில் கூறுகையில், நாட்டின் விடுதலைக்காக ஆங்கிலேயர்களை எதிர்த்து முதன்முதலில் போர் துவங்கியது மருது சகோதரர்கள்தான்.இதற்காக அவர்கள் உட்பட 500க்கும் மேற்பட்டோர் சிவகங்கை மாவட்டம், திருப்பத்தூரில் ஆங்கிலேயர்களால் தூக்கிலிட்டு கொல்லப்பட்டனர். இதன் நினைவாக மருது பாண்டியர்களுக்கு மதுரையில் சிலை நிறுவப்படுகிறது. குதிரையில் வாள் ஏந்தி போருக்கு செல்லும் தோற்றத்துடன் 10 அடி உயரத்தில் வெண்கல சிலை உருவாக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. ராதாகிருஷ்ணன் என்ற ஸ்தபதி இதனை உருவாக்கியுள்ளார். மதுரை மாரியம்மன் தெப்பக்குளம் அருகில் 10 அடி உயர பீடத்தில் சிலை அமைக்கப்படுகிறது. ரூ. 25 லட்சம் செலவில் சிலை வடிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. மருதுபாண்டியர்கள் நினைவு தினமான அக்டோபர் 27ம் தேதி முதல்வர் கருணாநிதி திறந்து வைக்கிறார். திருப்பத்தூரில் மருதுபாண்டியர்கள் தூக்கிலிடப்பட்ட இடத்தில் நினைவு பூங்கா அமைக்கவும் தீர்மானித்துள்ளோம். மருது பாண்டியர் குறித்த ஆராய்ச்சிக்கு உதவும் வகையில் அவர்களது பெயரில் மதுரை காமராஜர் பல்கலைக்கழகத்தில் அறக்கட்டளை தொடங்கி ரூ.20 லட்சம் டெபாசிட் செய்யப்படும். மருதுபாண்டியர்களுடன் போரில் ஈடுபட்ட 72 தளபதிகள் பினாங்கு தீவுக்கு கடத்தப்பட்டனர். அனைத்து ஜாதிகளையும் சேர்ந்த அவர்களின் வாரிசுகள் தமிழகத்தின் பல்வேறு பகுதிகளில் வாழ்கின்றனர். அவர்களுக்கு அரசு உதவ வேண்டுமென முதல்வரிடம் கோரிக்கை வைக்கப்படும் என்றார் பொன். முத்துராமலிங்கம்.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

வீரகுல அமரன் இயக்கம்

வரலாற்றைச் சொல் !                                     தலைமுறையை உருவாக்கு !!